Durable pot holders hold up beautifully to the rigors of a busy kitchen. Pot
holders lift hot pots off the stove, from the oven without fear of burning
fingers or dropping cookware. Generally crafted out of heavy fabric, pot
holders are filled with additional padding and quilted, so that the heat
from casserole, dishes or pan handles never reaches hands. The fabric uses
are machine washable and dryer, safe for easy care and cleaning. These are
usually crafted with elegant and rich designs and the possibilities for
further invention are endless.

These pot holders are also used as a
hot pad and serve as a smaller trivet to keep counter tops from melting,
blistering or scratching. Fabricated in infinite range of pattern and
styles, pot holders may have square or round shapes with a rich palette of
color combinations. The beautiful collection of pot holders is available in
various types such as hand-woven, hand painted, embroidered and machine